Lab Grown Diamonds

On the hunt for a more affordable alternative to Natural Diamonds but without having to compromise on the aesthetics? Lab Grown Diamonds may be the way forward!

Yes, they may not come with a tag of history attached since they don’t have to go through the complicated process of deep underground formation that takes place over the course of billions of years. But that doesn’t come between the fact that “Lab Grown Diamonds do carry a significance of their own.”

You’d be surprised to see how well they can deceive your eyes by duplicating a Natural Diamond in terms of aesthetics, durability, and quality. That’s the beauty of a Lab Grown Diamond for you. So, without any further ado, let’s unravel them:

What are Lab Grown Diamonds exactly?

Lab Grown Diamonds, as the name suggests, are artificially grown in a laboratory. Interestingly, for their formation, advanced technological processes are used to replicate the exact conditions under which a Natural Diamond forms. The end product is a Lab grown Diamond that not only imitates a natural diamond in terms of appearance, but also possesses the same chemical and optical properties. In fact, the carbon items in lab grown diamonds are also arranged in the same trademark crystal structure that natural diamonds have.

It’s been 50 years since their initial invention and we have only seen them get better ever since. That is why they are prized all around the globe as a cost-effective alternative to natural diamonds and are excessively used to embed jewelry with.

Formation of Lab Grown Diamonds

Do you know how a Lab Grown Diamond imitates a Natural one? The secret lies in the art of its formation that typically recreates the process of the formation of a Natural Diamond. Except the fact that the lab grown ones are created in a controlled environment.

The two famous approaches of creating a lab-grown diamond are- CVD and HPHT. To begin with, using a small seed of any existing diamond is common in both the methods. Thanks to advanced technology, this very seed goes on to shape itself into a fully grown Diamond that is just as good for the artisans to craft into an admirable piece of jewelry:

  1. Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) Process:

To start off, a tiny diamond seed is placed in a vacuum chamber and heated to extreme temperatures. A carbon-rich gas, such as methane, is introduced into the chamber. Upon being heated (typically by a microwave), these gas molecules break down into carbon atoms. These atoms then settle on the diamond seed and slowly crystallize into a larger diamond. This very Diamond is referred to as the Lab Grown Diamond. Forming a Diamond from this process can take several weeks or even months, depending on the desired size and quality of the diamond.

  1. High Pressure High Temperature Process (HPHT):

It also begins with placing a small diamond seed in a chamber but apart from that, the entire route of a HPHT approach takes a different turn (from that of a CVD Process). A carbon source is introduced and the seed is subjected to extremely high pressure and temperature, often using a press. The press can generate pressures of up to 1.5 million pounds per square inch (psi) and temperatures of over 2,700 degrees Fahrenheit. Under these extreme conditions, the carbon melts and then crystallizes around the diamond seed, creating a larger diamond.

Benefits of Lab Grown Diamonds

Natural or lab grown, a Diamond can never fail to impress you. But since the route of formation that a lab grown Diamond takes is a lot different, it brings its own share of advantages to the table. As you read them, you’d not only be proud to invest in a lab grown diamond but also get to know it better:

  • Better Quality:

The formation of a lab-grown diamond is the result of an artificially- controlled process. So, you can rest assured that you’re getting your hands on a high quality diamond since it is not home to as many inclusions as present in a natural diamond (due to its formation deep within the earth’s mantle).

  • Affordable:

Did you know that through this lab generated diamond formation, bundles of full grown diamonds are brought to life within weeks? And mind you, time is not the only thing that this speedy formation of Lab grown diamonds saves. It can also save you many bucks as a result (that you may have paid to get your hands on a natural diamond of similar quality) since you’re saving the cost that comes with mining and extraction.

  • Ethical:

You may have heard tales about the dicey and controversial mining of natural diamonds. But luckily, that is not the case with lab-grown diamonds since they are completely man-made which rules out the same environmental and social impact. They are not only created in a strictly monitored environment, but also adhere to fair labor practices.

  • Beauty:

If we talk about aesthetics, lab grown diamonds can give major competition to their natural counterparts. They are prized for their inclusion-free clarity thanks to the highly monitored process which eliminates the possibility of trapped impurities as a result of underground formation (which is the case with natural diamonds). On top of that, they can also be created in a variety of fancy diamond colors (pink, blue, red, etc.) , even the not-so-common ones.

Lab Grown Diamonds vs Natural Diamonds

We understand if figuring out the exact difference between natural and lab grown diamonds with naked eyes gets a little difficult for you. That, in fact, is the whole point behind the man-made formation of diamonds.

Efforts are made to duplicate their conditions of formation as a result of which chemical, optical, and physical properties remain the same. In terms of aesthetics too, lab grown diamonds display sparkle and fire of the same intensity. But some differences are inevitable. Let’s get to know them:

  • Natural Diamond:

For starters, Natural Diamonds take billions of years to form under the earth’s crust. So, it goes without saying that they are selectively rare. Hence, you can expect them to fetch a higher price tag. Each individual diamond comes with its own clarity grade. But since they are formed deep inside the earth under extreme temperatures, some impurities can get trapped inside as a result. Only the trained gemologists can discern the exact difference between them and their lab grown counterparts.

  • Lab Grown Diamond:

The formation of Lab Grown Diamonds, on the other hand, can take place within weeks. So, they are a lot easily available which makes them cheaper in value than their natural counterparts. Since they are the end-product of a highly monitored process, you can expect them to be a lot more inclusion-free.

Difference between Lab Grown Diamonds and Diamond Stimulants

Appearance wise, you may have a difficult time in figuring out the exact difference between the two. But that’s about it. Other than that, they are poles apart. Here is how:

Lab Grown Diamonds

To begin with, they belong to the category of DIAMONDS. Above all, they are brought to life by mimicking the formation process of natural diamonds. Carbon is the element used for their formation, which goes on to take the shape of a crystal. So, you can simply call them carbon crystals. So, as a result of that, their chemical and optical properties largely differ from that of lab diamonds. And owing to the fact that they imitate natural diamonds, they command greater value.

Diamond Stimulants

First things first, Diamond stimulants (Moissanite and Cubic Zirconia specifically) are not REAL Diamonds. They just kind of mimic their look and sparkle. Their formation is a whole different process from lab grown diamonds. Moissanite, for instance, is made up of a different mineral- Silicon Carbide which makes it distinct from diamonds in terms of chemical and physical properties. Cubic Zirconia, on the other hand, is a synthetic material that is made from zirconium dioxide (ZrO2). So, its crystal structure, properties and hardness are a lot different than lab diamonds. Apart from that, they are also more prone to wear and tear than lab grown diamonds. So, they fetch a lower price tag as a result.

How are Lab Grown Diamonds graded?

Since Lab Grown Diamonds practically mimic Natural Diamonds, they don’t follow a grading process any different.

Once crafted, they are subjected to inspection by an authorized gemological laboratory. Following certain parameters, these are assessed and grade on the basis of the 4 Cs- cut, color, clarity, and carat.

  • Cut:

simply refers to the proportions, positioning of facets and polish to determine the brilliance and beauty of the diamond.

  • Color:

tells you whether the lab diamond possesses any color (or traces of color) or not. Those that don’t possess any color command a higher grade.

  • Clarity:

analyzes (under 10x magnification) whether the diamond is home to any inclusions or blemishes. Lesser the no. of impurities, higher in grade is the diamond.

  • Carat:

is simply the unit of measurement used for weighing diamonds.

The final grades assigned to each C tells you of the quality of these lab grown diamonds.


Are Lab Grown Diamonds less valuable than natural diamonds?

Yes, Lab Grown Diamonds fetch lesser value than natural diamonds. That’s because Natural Diamonds, thanks to their billion year old process of deep underground formation, are much more rare than their lab grown counterparts. So, they practically come with a sense of historical significance. Since that is not the case with lab grown diamond, they don’t command an equal value. But that in no way means that they are not valuable or prized around the globe.

Are Lab Grown Diamonds ethical?

Lab Grown Diamonds don’t undergo mining. So yes, they don’t have the controversial environmental and social impact that Natural Diamonds are sometimes condemned for. They are often grown in a monitored and controlled environment that follows a fair code of conduct.

Are Lab Created Diamonds durable?

Lab Created Diamonds possess the same properties as a Natural Diamond, so yes they are quite durable.

What is the clarity of Lab Created Diamonds like?

Actually, just like the other Cs, the clarity of Created Diamond also varies. Since each created diamond is unique in its own way, they fetch a different clarity grade. Some are flawless while some possess surface or internal inclusions. The quality and number of inclusions can largely vary.

Are Lab Grown Diamonds Real Diamonds?

Yes, Lab Grown Diamonds are Real Diamonds. They have the same chemical and physical properties as natural diamonds, and can be graded and certified using the same criteria as mined diamonds.

Can a jeweler tell if a Diamond is lab created?

A gemologist or jeweler can never tell if a diamond is lab grown just by taking a glance at it with the naked eye. Specialized equipment and tests are used to determine the difference.

How is the quality of a Lab Grown Diamond evaluated?

The quality of a Lab Grown Diamond is assessed by evaluating the 4 Cs: cut, color, clarity, and carat. Each C is assigned a grade by which you can determine the overall quality of the Created Diamond.

Will a Lab Diamond pass a Diamond tester?

To no surprise, Lab Diamonds boast the same physical, chemical and optical properties as Natural Diamonds. They also have the same thermal conductivity. So yes, when passed through a Diamond tester, the test results come out positive.

How do I care for Lab Grown Diamond?

Just like any other Diamond, Lab Grown Diamond also requires to be cleaned and cared for every once in a while. Clean it with a soapy solution of lukewarm water, scrub it (if needed) with a soft-bristled toothbrush. And finally, pat it dry with a microfiber cloth.