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Ruby Stone

All About Ruby: Types, Colors, Description, Origins & Details

Ruby: the king of all gemstones, fondly known as the gemstone of love. Looking to sweep your loved one off her feet? Gift Ruby! Want to make one of those bold statement just with an accessory? Don Ruby! What doesn’t go with red and who doesn’t look good in red? Since we’re all so mesmerized by this romantic July birthstone, why not grasp some Ruby education ourselves? The name Ruby itself has been derived from the Latin word ‘ruber’ meaning red. Having said that, our Ruby education is the overall guide to address all the basic knowledge revolving around ruby including the famous 4 C’s of the Birthstone of July along with its fun history and origin. That being said, let’s get you well versed with our Ruby buying guide as well:

Properties of Ruby

Having been hailed for its hardness ever since it’s been discovered, Ruby has a rating of 9 out of 10 on Moh’s scale, making it one of the most durable gemstones of all times. Look like a beauty in red any day, everyday!

Having a wide range of colors and tones, the fiery red color of Ruby is all thanks to the presence of Chromium.

Something that drives our attention to any gemstone! The luster of Ruby is known to be vitreous or in simpler terms, glass-like, with a refractive index of 1.3 to 1.9.

Origin & History

The history of this July birthstone dates back to as early as 600 AD when it was first discovered in Burma which has long been hailed as a primary producer of world’s best Ruby. Around 200 BC, Rubies had begun to be traded through China’s silk road. Such has been the craze for Ruby that it has mentioned in Bible as least four times, its hardness was hailed by the roman author, Pliny and Hindus even believed it to give re-birth in a noble family when presented to Lord Krishna. No matter the religion, Rubies had a special place in everyone’s heart since time immemorial. It was proudly donned by the likes of Royalty in Europe and you know what’s gut wrenching? Historical chronicles have it that Soldiers were supposed to thrust Ruby in their flesh in order to be undefeated at all costs.

Where is Ruby found?

Okay, so the fun history of Ruby had us glued to our seats but have you ever wondered where and how exactly is this precious beauty formed? Our ruby education guide is here to familiarize you with that! Well, Burma is believed to possess world’s best Ruby followed by Afghanistan, India, Australia, USA, Vietnam, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Tanzania. Talking about its specific formation, Ruby is a part of corundum family of minerals and when oxygen and aluminum together combine to form corundum, that corundum under intense temperature gives birth to Ruby under the earth’s crust.

Ruby versus Garnet



Okay, so the fun history of Ruby had us glued to our seats but have you ever wondered where and how exactly is this precious beauty formed? Our ruby education guide is here to familiarize you with that! Well, Burma is believed to possess world’s best Ruby followed by Afghanistan, India, Australia, USA, Vietnam, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Tanzania. Talking about its specific formation, Ruby is a part of corundum family of minerals and when oxygen and aluminum together combine to form corundum, that corundum under intense temperature gives birth to Ruby under the earth’s crust.



Garnet, known for its purplish red color is not as bright red as ruby. Also, it has a hardness of 6.5-7 on Moh’s scale which is a lot lesser than Ruby. But Garnet doesn’t possess many inclusions and is known to be 100% natural.

Ruby Quality and Price Filters

Thinking how to buy ruby? The quality of this July birthstone is what truly defines its beauty, don’t you agree? But how do you judge the quality? Well, by getting well versed with the 4 Cs typically cut, color, clarity and carat weight. Let’s give you a glance:

Unlike all the other colored gemstones, the color factor is more important in case of rubies and therefore hue and intensity play an important part while buying a ruby. The description of ideal color for rubies by various gemologists varies from vivid, medium-dark red to slightly purplish red. The ideal hue still remain to be the absolute red.

Tone, on the other hand, describes the lightness and darkness of the stone’s color and directly affect the ruby’s value. A general rule of thumb states that the ideal ruby falls between medium to medium-dark tone:

  • Pinkish Red: Ruby that is pinker in its appearance is because of the reduced amount of chromium and more color saturation of pink.
  • Purplish Red: Ruby that is more purple in its appearance is quite less in value and has a deeper purple color saturation with only 30-50% red.
  • Medium Red: Ideally one of the most sought after and valuable out of the lot, Ruby with a vivid color saturation is sure to mesmerize any eye.
  • Pigeon Red: Belonging to this category is ruby that is darker in tone than medium red with 70-80 % red color and dark saturation.
  • Deep Red: Being overly saturated, Ruby belonging to this category is so intensely dark that it appears to be blackish red.

Rubies usually don’t exhibit the high clarity as that of Diamonds and are host to various inclusions. As far as rubies are concerned, the more skeptical the situation would seem to find a ruby without any inclusion. Therefore, the best grade for clarity for ruby is to be “eye-clean” meaning that the gemstone’s inclusions are not visible to the naked eye.

The carat weight of Ruby also has a huge impact on its price and typically ranges between 0.01 to 2 CT in our collection.

In case of the July Birthstone - Ruby, the term Cut can have a number of meanings to determine the overall factor. It can define the faceting or the gemstone shape. It might also refer to proportion and finish of the gemstone where proportion refers to the dimensions and symmetry. For the July Birthstone, there can be many cuts such as faceted, cabochons, beads, drops, carvings etc.

Ruby Grading Value

Once we have gone through all the factors that determine the quality of a Ruby, don’t you think it becomes all the more important for us to go through the standard grading system as well once. Would only help you further evaluate the quality of your Ruby stone:

The rarest top 1% of Ruby belong to this category with a medium red color along with an eye clean clarity.

This is another sought after category of Ruby having very slightly included clarity and pinkish red in color with top 10 % of Ruby belonging to this category.

The top 20 % of Ruby have a slightly included clarity and are known to have slight purplish or pinkish red hues.

The 50-70 % of Ruby belonging to this category have included clarity along with purplish or pinkish red hues.

Benefits of Ruby

Why exactly is it hailed as the ‘king of all gemstones,’ ever wondered? Well, that’s because of the wholesome benefits it is believed to have. And that too since ancient times! The hype never seems to die. Let’s give you a glance with our ruby guide:

Physical Healing

What do we need to survive? A healthy heart and that’s exactly what ruby helps with by getting rid of body toxins and purifying the blood. It also strengthens the muscles, helps with reproductive problems such as infertility. That’s why it is a little extra special for women.

Emotional Healing

Since it is so famous for being the gemstone of love, Ruby is known to help the wearer overcome from the trauma and pain of past relationships, helping you stay away from all kinds of negative energies. Helping impart vigor, joy and pure happiness, ruby is the savior for your mental health as well.

Metaphysical Healing

Thanks to its burning red color symbolizing passion, Ruby is known to be a gemstone that brings out the creative instinct of the wearer and since it has ties with Root chakra, it also brings stability and blesses the wearer with strength.

Frequently Asked Questions

How is a Ruby made?

In nature, Rubies are formed from the corundum or else called the aluminum oxide. The extreme high temperature and pressure conditions prevailing in the earth’s crust bring about this formation. This phenomenon results in the formation of a colorless substance and when the Aluminum is replaced by other elements, only then the ruby takes it colors.

What is difference between lab grown and natural Rubies?

Like most of the gemstones, there is an option to choose between natural and lab-created Rubies. One must not confuse “lab grown” with the “fake”. While synthetic is a replica the lab grown is developed in a controlled lab environment.

Lab-created Rubies, although, are created using the same base element found in the natural one yet the ones created in lab are strengthened with dye. Also, lab-created rubies tend to be less expensive than their natural counterparts.

Where do Rubies come from?

Most of the ruby deposits are from Asia, including but not limited to Myanmar, Thailand, India, Pakistan and Nepal.

How to take care of Ruby Jewelry?

Ruby Jewelry is quite easy to clean due to their hardness and durability. However, a few things must be kept in mind like avoiding contact of the gemstone with make-up, harsh chemicals, abrasives.

While cleaning the jewelry make use of lukewarm water and mild cleaning detergent. Soft toothbrush can be used to clean the underside of the ruby.

Also, the jewelry must be individually kept to avoid contact with other jewelry to avoid unnecessary scratches.

What is a Ruby certification?

The most common Ruby Certifications includes from GIA, IGL and HRD labs. It is usually a document you receive on the behalf of the aforementioned 3rd party labs which describes a ruby in all of its characteristics.

Each and every party’s defining grounds may defer.

What makes a Ruby gemstone precious?

The bright burning red color of Ruby is what makes it so special. In fact, brighter the red color, more is the value of Ruby. You cannot find another gemstone that captivates your eye like Ruby. This birthstone of July is also symbolic of love and passion and that it tells from a mere glance. Also, the most romantic gemstone to gift to your partner.

What is the hardness of Ruby?

Ruby, having a hardness of 9 out of 10 on Moh’s scale is only left behind by diamond. Thus, it further adds to the value of this vibrant July birthstone and makes it one of the most durable gemstone to be worn on a regular basis.

Is Ruby a lucky stone?

Being a birthstone of July, it is believed to be a little extra special since it does symbolize good fortune as well since ancient times. Some believe wearing a Ruby on left hand is known to bless the wearer with good fortune.


Everybody has a special place for this red beauty in their jewelry box. Bold, bright and beautiful, all at once: this July birthstone is sure one of the most romantic gemstones of all times. So much has been the craze for this gemstone that too since ancient times which we’ve already discussed that we had to come up with out ruby education guide. Our experts have taken proper care to cover it all from the history and origin to the properties, quality and benefits of this precious July birthstone. But not without some engrossing fun facts! We hope we kept you glued and here we sign of wishing you all the luck in deciding how to buy ruby.