Long gone are the days when everybody was only going gaga over Diamonds and their prized beauty. Today, alternatives have surged or more precisely, re-surged to popularity. The reason for that doesn’t require much debate. You may even have guessed it by now. So, let’s just say it out in the open- THE BUDGET. While we like to splurge on sparkles, in the case of diamond that may come at the cost of exhausted pockets. More often than not, our hunt for alternatives begins for that very reason.
One such alternative has been very much in the buzz lately, for all the right reasons. Jewelry fanatics may have guessed it by now- we’re talking about Zircon!
Not only is it easy on the pockets but once you lay your eyes upon Zircon, you’ll be startled to witness the uncanny resemblance it shares with Diamond. It does the job of deceiving your eyes by being a good look-alike like a pro.
That are some (and the most prominent plus points) that Zircon brings to the table. But there is much more to it and we’re here to discuss it all. So, whether you just wish to explore a good diamond alternative or this sparkly gemstone has you hooked, here is everything that you need to know about Zircon to understand how it makes for a one-of-a-kind pick:
A Brief about Zircon and its Special Features
Colorless Zircon, in all its glory, reflects light in a way that it displays rainbow-like flashes that can be very hard to take eyes off. Wondering how? Well, its high refractive index comes in handy for reflection. That is because it causes the light to bend more sharply, which in turn increases the amount of light that is reflected back to the viewer. This very property of Zircon lends it a diamond-like appearance. And that is the root cause of the decade long confusion between diamond and zircon.
We know how this six letter name can arouse the interest of many. Well, the history has it that Zircon derives its name from the Persian Zargun which in simpler terms means gold-colored.
Zircon is most popularly used in its colorless form which is also called as “Matara” zircon - named so, because it was mined in a city called Matara in Sri Lanka.
Features of Zircon
Zircon is classified into three types on the basis of crystal structures
The zircon stone having full crystal structure falls under the high category as the radioactive elements only get a chance to do a little or no damage to it. And hence, they show normal optical and physical properties of zircon.
While, the stone falling under medium or intermediate category, have some structural damage, and its properties are also between high and low.
The Low zircon stones are amorphous in state, having very low optical and physical properties.
The zircon, which are used in jewelry making are only high type, so that the jewelry remain brilliant and timeless.
Brilliant Sparkle: Elevate Your Look with Cubic Zirconia Earrings
Why Zircon is Special?

The most special thing about zircon is that - its a diamond look-alike, and this is the reason why it is called as the diamond simulant.
Also, zircon is found naturally in many countries, and is also considered as the oldest mineral found in the world. It has registered its name as one of the earliest gem treasured on earth.
Talking about zircon, the folklore and charm related to it comes on its own. People have been widely using zircon since 1990s in jewelry making and in the middle ages they started giving this stone a symbolization. To this time, the zircon is now concerned with wisdom, honor, promote riches, and also helps in driving away all that is evil.
The blue color zircon was popular among jewelers in the Victorian era, because of its light splitting feature.
If you are looking for a cost effective jewelry, then you can choose zircon for the embellishments. A well faceted zircon has brilliant sparkle, all thank to the high refractive index properties (1.92). Zircons are the best substitute of diamonds, because of its high dispersion rate (0.039) which helps in making the zircon sparkle.
Zircon is widely accepted stone for making jewelry, but often people get confused between Zircon and Cubic Zirconia. Let’s clarify that doubt below in detail.
Zircon and Cubic Zirconia - What is the Difference?
As mentioned earlier in this blog, Zircon is a naturally found stone on earth. But this is not the case with Cubic Zirconia!
Zircon and Cubic Zirconia both are called as diamond simulant but unlike zircon, the cubic zirconia is a man-made or we can say a synthetic stone.
Although, the properties of zircon and cubic zirconia is almost identical but the cubic zirconia is even less expensive than zircon.
Zircon we all know, found in several colors in mines, while cubic zirconia is made in lab and is usually made in clear or white colors. Cubic zirconia is more durable than the zircon and is less likely to chip and scratched than zircon.
By now you must have got a basic idea about the differences in these two stones. Now, lets talk about the cost of Zircon in a brief.
What is the Worth of Zircon Stone?

The cost of zircon depends on four factors mainly, which are -
Color saturation
Since zircon is found naturally, it is hard to get the larger carats in high quality. The cost of one carat zircon is approx $50 to $400, depending on the clarity it has. The heat treated zircons are relatively higher in price, while the blue color zircons are also a bit expensive than others. So, if you looking for some gorgeous zircon rings in a budget, you can buy the best handcrafted zircon rings from here.
Zircon is an extremely beautiful gemstone that has a long history. It is a indeed a diverse gemstone, used in so many things other than just jewelry piece. If you are looking for some budget friendly options in jewelry than you can switch to zircon. But always remember, that no matter what, a zircon can never be like diamond in durability, and hence you have to take care of a zircon jewelry a little bit extra.