A Natural Diamond is a perfect synonym for rare and cherished beauty. Like the fingerprints of human beings, every diamond is unique in its own way. The occurrence of a Diamond is a combined miracle of time, place, and change. While purchasing diamonds, you must have probably heard about the famous 4Cs of a diamond. Each piece carries a distinct characteristic that establishes its value. The specific qualities of a diamond are further measured via these four key factors: cut, color, clarity, and carat weight.
Now, while shopping for diamonds, you have a lot of questions in your mind regarding their quality and originality. In such a scenario, how will you be sure that the diamond you are purchasing is a natural and real diamond? The Gemological Institute of America, or GIA, developed the 4Cs to create a universal language when it came to the difficult task of determining diamond quality. It was established in 1931 as an independent non-profit organization. The GIA is among the largest and most respected institutes in gemological research and testing in the world. The key to understanding the quality of a real diamond and its value is to understand the four famous amplitudes all diamonds share, i.e., the ‘Cut’, the ‘Color’, the ‘Clarity’, and the ‘Carat weight'. It is really necessary to understand these 4Cs in detail before purchasing a diamond.
4Cs of a Diamond
Cut of a Diamond –

When people related to research, study, or a dealer of Diamonds refer to Cut, they talk about the dimensions, angles, and percentages of the diamond. A well-cut diamond will be more brilliant and have more fire than a diamond that is not cut as well. One could say the cut is the most important aspect of diamonds. After all, the fire and brilliance of a well-cut diamond make them so alluring. All the numbers and percentages can be confusing, but they are very important when purchasing.
The most important number you need to know is the depth percentage. The depth of the diamond is the measurement from the bottom, or culet, of the diamond to the top. The depth percentage tells you how deep the diamond is in relation to its length and width. A diamond with a lower depth percentage will usually be more brilliant and look larger to the eye. If you are purchasing a round diamond, try to find something in the 58.5–62.5% range. The next number people see is the table percentage. A table that is too large or too small will not reflect light as well as it should. For a round diamond, one should stay in the 54-59% range. Some diamonds, like a princess or Asscher cut, are meant to be square. A cushion cut is more flexible. Some like them square, and some like them to be a bit rectangular.
The diamond also goes through the following process for measurements:
Brightness is measured by internal and external white light that has been reflected from a diamond.
Fire: It measures the amount of white light that is scattering into all the rainbow colors.
Scintillation: It depends on the amount of sparkle the diamond produces, the light pattern, and also the dark areas within the diamond caused by the reflection.

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buy nowColor of a Diamond –

Diamond color is an important feature that can affect the beauty of a diamond. The value of a diamond depends on its absence of color. The GIA color grades range from D, also known as colorless diamonds, to Z, which falls under the category of light yellow or brown. The diamonds that fall under the category of D to F are the rarest and highest quality, with a crystal-icy look; grade D is the colorless one, and the other two are known as near-colorless diamonds.
The value of a diamond determines the grade; the colorless will be ranked at the top when it comes to high-priced and rare findings. Experts also say the diamonds fall under the category of being slightly colored; the larger the diamond, the more the color is visible.
Clarity of a Diamond –

There are five groups in the clarity grading of a diamond. They are named FL group, VVS group, VS group, SI group, and the last one is the I group. The 'FL' group is known as the best and clearest group among them all, and then all four come together as given. In the 'FL' group, there are two grades: FL and IF. ‘VVS’ also has two grades: VVS1 and VVS2. VS1 and VS2 are the two grades of the VS group. SI1 and SI2 and I1, I2, and I3 are the grades of the SI and I groups. Before learning about the clarity of a diamond in detail, let's learn the meaning of the groups that we have mentioned before.
FL is also known as flawless. VVS is a Very Very Slight inclusion that is not noticeable; VS is a Very Slight inclusion. SI is for Slight Inclusion, where you will find out the inclusion easily, and then comes I, which stands for Heavy or Obvious Inclusion. Three conditions are essential for the grades: proper lighting, a 10X eye loupe, and an expert eye. There are two types of flaws one can come across while examining the diamond: an internal flaw, as in an inclusion, and an external flaw, as in a blemish. The value of a diamond depends on the amount of inclusion added to it.
Carat Weight of a Diamond –

The weight of the diamond is not being measured in terms of grams, kilograms, or pounds. It is being weighed in carats and cents. We should know the measurement when buying diamonds. One gram is equal to five carats, and one carat is equal to one hundred cents. To help you more precisely, 0.30 ct is equal to 4,30 mm (approx.). The 3 key things to know about carat are:
Notice the cut.
"Buy shy" to save money.
The more elaborate the shape, the more expensive the diamond.
Be Confident

The fifth and most vital C is Confidence. If you are willing to purchase diamonds, always shop smart, do not overlook the certification, and invest your money in the right place. Only buy a real piece of diamond and shop for it from a reliable store that provides you with a certificate of authenticity. This always helps you make an informed choice that best suits your needs. Once you know that the jeweler is authorized and qualified to make a precise justification based on the characteristics of your diamond, you feel confident in your decision. We wish you a Happy Purchase!