Evolving times call for big changes. Not only does our lifestyle experience a major shift or aesthetics modify, but our relationship also matures (needless to mention, that’s a good sign). Comes with all that- a good chance for the thought to upgrade your engagement ring to cross your mind. Fair enough! You may want your engagement ring to speak to your evolving relationship more profoundly, or simply resonate with your current sense of style better. Or anything else.

The point here is- if you feel like it, that’s reason enough for deciding to upgrade. That in no way means that you cherish the big ‘yes’ moment any less. In fact, if anything, you adore and appreciate it so much that you wish for your betrothal ring to stay admirable for a lifetime.

But how to do that without having to shift to an altogether different ring? How to go about upgrading without facing the consequence of it looking a little out of place? Or without losing the sentimental meaning that this unique emblem of your love beholds? On and on the list of your concerns may go, but even longer is the list of ways (the ones that address each concern) to upgrade your engagement ring!

So without further ado, here we’ll list the trusted ways that can uniquely transform your ring into a better version of itself.

10 Different Engagement Ring Upgrade Ideas

    1. Always a good idea to add more diamonds

      Always a good idea to add more diamonds:

      Almost every other couple opts for a Solitaire Ring and its timelessness is the one to be blamed. But there might come a point when you, unlike before, don’t mind going beyond the classics. Or may find unconventional engagement ring styles with additional diamonds such as three stone diamond or two stone diamond rings speaking to your relationship more.

      What will strike the right chords of your heart about a three stone ring, for instance, is that it reflects the sweet journey of your past, present and future together. Or two stones, gracefully signify the union of two souls as one for a lifetime. Even if you find yourself to be too much into sparkles and stuff lately, this may be the big moment for you to splurge on additional diamonds.

      It’s equally fair for you to not want your Solitaire to lose its touch as well. For that matter, you can let it take all the center stage it wants, by going for smaller sized diamonds on the sides. Or even incorporate hidden surprise diamonds beneath, so that it radiates from all angles. That way, the originality and sentimental meaning stays intact.

    2. Rely on a Halo

      Rely on a Halo

      Let us guess! It’s been a while since you’re wondering: How do you modernize an engagement ring? As much as you love your engagement ring, it is equally possible to be worn out of the style. So, to lend your precious ring a unique touch without messing with its originality, you could always rely on a Sparkling Halo.

      Halo basically means a series of small diamonds/moissanites that encircle your center stone to make it look like one. You may call us a sucker for sparkles now, but you won’t be surprised once you witness how effortlessly Halo adds that oomph factor to your solitaire, be it of diamond/moissanite or colored gemstone. If you wish to enhance the sparkles with a slightly unusual (and all the more appealing) touch, you could totally rely on a Diamond Halo for Moissanite Engagement Ring and vice-versa. The combination promises an aesthetic appeal that is everything but ordinary. That’s because both Diamond and Moissanite sparkle slightly differently, thus bestowing your ring with the best of both worlds when infused together with a Halo.

      The best part is that Halo can even make your center stone appear bigger than it actually is. And like who isn’t an admirer of everything big and blingy? To make things more playful and bolder, a double Halo seems like an interesting choice for an engagement ring upgrade. The sophisticated style of solitaire is always landed a dramatic touch with a Halo.

    3. Gemstones may be the right choice for your ring

      Gemstones may be the right choice for your ring

      Diamonds may be a woman’s best friend, but we’ve been seeing more and more women saying yes to gemstones lately. Does a playful pop of color speak to your kind of aesthetics more? Or is it what’s beyond the glitz and glam of gemstone (i.e., symbolism) that seems apt for your one-of-a-kind love story?

      Whatever it is that seems most fascinating about gemstones to you, it’s always refreshing to see them bring their magic in your betrothal ring. So, if you already have a diamond engagement ring, try dramatizing it with some extra gemstones on the sides. Or styles such as three stone rings are one of the most popular ones for incorporating gemstones. Sapphires for their vibrant blue, ruby for their romantic red, and emeralds for their royal green hue, have been stealing the limelight as one of the most aesthetically appealing gemstones for engagement rings.

      But mind you, gemstones are not all aesthetics. You may find ruby’s endearing ties with love and commitment to connect with your relationship better, or sapphire’s divine powers to be something that you want to bless your relationship with or anything else. Long story short, splurging on gemstones for their unique symbolism is very much a thing.

    4. Is the center stone not working for you anymore?

      We understand how tough it may be to admit, but yes, the center stone could certainly use some change. Completely swapping out the stone for a different one to fit your aesthetics or love story better can be a huge but equally apt engagement ring upgrade.

      Is the modern fashionista in you eyeing a pear cut solitaire in place of classic round one to upgrade diamond in engagement ring? Or have you lately been too unconventional for diamonds and leaning a little towards meaningful hued emblems to better connect with? Right from fancy shapes such as pear, princess, oval, marquise cut, to hued birthstones including sapphire, ruby, emerald, aquamarine, etc., the pool of options is wide and versatile.

      Since you’re preserving the side-stones (if your ring has them) or the band, the question of losing the sentimental value or originality is not so much there. So, go ahead, breathe a new life to your ring.

    5. Note: Rosec Jewels believes in never letting its customers settle. So, in case you find swapping out the center stone too troublesome and are looking for a more hassle-free and feasible alternative, we hear you! Exchanging your existing jewelry for a new one at a pocket-friendly price can definitely work for you (if you’re open to that option). Our Buy-Back Programme facilitates you with the opportunity to sell out your old jewelry piece at a 30 % lesser cost, i.e., called the trade-in price. And in return, you can get your hands on a brand new piece from our catalog for the remainder amount (i.e., after deducting the trade-in price from the price of new jewelry).

    6. Does your heart yearn for bigger diamond/gemstone?

      We’re all guilty of letting bigger stones make our heart skip a beat. Size matters and more so when it is the heart and soul of our ring- center stone that we’re speaking of.

      Whether you’re more well off on the budget now, or just enjoy the bling too much, Bigger can really be better. Though that very much depends on your current ring style as well. But you’d be pleased to note that sometimes, ring settings allow as much as 1.77 mm large room for bigger stones.

      If you wish to preserve your current center stone entirely, you could even go ahead and use it on the side for an emphasized dazzle. Once you decide that apart from the size, what else you’d like to change about the ring (design, shape, etc.) , you can totally go ahead with the splurging.

    7. Metal Band may be looking a little out of place?

      Metal Band may be looking a little out of place?

      Upgrading the ring may sometimes mean upgrading the band. And that’s pretty normal. If say, the metal is white gold, you may lately be finding a little pop of color exciting, or going better with the ring style/gemstone.

      If that’s the case, you could undoubtedly rely on rose gold for a blushing feminine touch, or yellow gold for its luxurious feel. While there can be times when you may find the band style a little off for the ring or way too plain. And you can work that out by switching to something extraordinary like a split shank, bypass or even a V French set band.

      Band isn’t always something we pay much attention too, so now if you feel like upgrading it, just go for it. You’d be surprised to note the difference something as simple as a band can create once you compare the upgrade engagement ring before and after pictures.

    8. Is the setting asking for a change?

      Is the setting asking for a change?

      Ring Setting is something you may have gone about completely ignoring, only to later realize that-it, very evidently, is asking for a change. Don’t get us wrong. You don’t have to compromise with the stone even a tad bit. You’re just transforming how it fits with the ring and thus can, with minimal effort, transform its look.

      If round prongs seemed like a classic choice to you before but now you’re looking to dramatize the look a bit, you may go for a claw setting. Or even if you want a tighter security so that this token of your love stays as eternal as the love itself, try splurging on a bezel (since it surrounds the stone all around). While if you’re a sparkle addict (just like us), you may go for a Pave Setting that elevates (or shall we say sparkles up) the entire ring with side stones of diamond/moissanite.

      The plus point here is that if you’re running on a tight budget, switching the setting comes with a surprisingly lower cost.

    9. Ring Enhancer might do the trick

      Ring Enhancer might do the trick

      We know we’re talking about upgrading the ring entirely but what if we tell you? You can see a massive change in the appearance of your engagement ring without actually taking the (sometimes scary) route of up gradation. How? Rely on a Ring Enhancer!

      Ring Enhancers are meant to breathe more life to an engagement ring, simply by being worn on one or either sides of it. Just how the name suggests, it enhances the appearance of your ring, glams it up with some extra sparkles, and deceives your eyes by looking like one whole ring.

      So, long story short, Ring enhancers are up gradation without actually going for one. And it saves you from going for something you later regret, especially if you’re indecisive of what you actually wish to change but would like to do something with the aesthetics.

      Note: We understand if wearing two different rings (the original and enhancer) is a little too much for you. When that’s the case, you can consider attaching an extra metal band with your engagement ring. That way, the aesthetics are uplifted and you’re saved from the extra effort of having to put on two rings (if you remove them often or your lifestyle doesn’t allow that).

    10. How about customization?

      Let’s take up a scenario. It’s your wedding anniversary and you wish to do something unforgettable for the hopeless romantic in her. How about inscribing something meaningful on the ring that goes on to speak to your relationship in a million endearing ways?

      Since you’re basically customizing the ring much after the big ‘she said yes’ moment, let the time you’ve spent with her all this while work in your favor. For that, try engraving the date/memento of any significant moment of your long togetherness-the magical moment of the birth of your child, for instance. Or even a quote that has always been the foundation of your successful relationship. That would tell how your happily ever after, has indeed been happy.

      But before you go ahead with all that, make sure that your wife wants to upgrade engagement ring too. Consider gently popping a conversation about the same, and get to know if she’d be open to something like that! Along the line, you could even see if there is a certain something that she has always envisioned about her dream proposal ring and customize something like that.

    11. Rings with family heirloom could be meaningful

      There is nothing more sentimental than engagement rings that carry a story! Especially when they’ve been around in your family for quite a while. Yes, we are talking about heirloom rings.

      Heirloom rings are the ones that have been passed on in the family as a tradition. Since we’re only updating, we cannot completely swap out the ring for an heirloom one. But incorporating the historic stone (from your family heirloom ring) into your existing engagement ring could prove to be a very thoughtful update. If you ask us, you’re only adding to the sentimental value of your engagement ring that way. The cherry on the cake is that you’re not losing the originality of your ring.

      Also, in a way, you have the blessings of your elders with an heirloom stone. Ruby, Emerald, Sapphires, Diamonds, have long been one of the most precious heirloom stones in that regard.

      But please note that Gemstones do absorb negative energies of the person who has worn it before. So, in case you wish to stay on the safer side, you can consider trading your existing engagement ring for a new one that caters to your personality. Our Buy-Back Programme can come in handy here as well.

    Engagement Rings

    Love Sparkles: Engagement Rings

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    Things to consider before you update your engagement ring

    Things to consider before you update your engagement ring

    Though we have listed out the plethora of ways you can rely on for the upgrade, there are some things you shall consider before going ahead with the big decision:

    • Budget:

      We cannot stress the importance of finalizing the budget beforehand enough! And if you’re wondering how much does it cost to upgrade your ring? You must know that there are no hard and fast rules. It highly depends on the kind of engagement ring update you’re going for. For instance, if it’s the center stone that needs to be changed, the budget can really fly off depending on the cost of the new stone and the work that comes along with accommodating it. If you wish to save some bucks there, you always have the option of selling/ trading the old stone for a new one. Or simply switching the setting could do the trick of uplifting the aesthetics with a cheaper cost of around $80 to $250.

    • Style:

      Figuring out that there is something about the aesthetics of the ring that is just not working for your personality/relationship is only the first step (and the easiest one). The steps that follow can really test your decisiveness. Take the time out to see what is it that doesn’t cater to your sense of style anymore. It maybe the shape, design or something just as simple as the setting. You may even have gone from classics (round stones, or solitaire style) to fancy/vintage aesthetics (marquise, pear, asscher cut, or three stone style).

    • Have the conversation:

      Since it is the betrothal ring that we’re talking of, it goes without saying that the sentiments of both of you are equally attached. So, yes it’s equally important for you to come to a mutual agreement with your partner when thinking about upgrading the ring. Make sure that he/she is okay with the kind of upgrade you’re thinking of going for. Explain your spouse that as much as you love and cherish the proposal ring, the reason for going for the upgrade only means good for it.

    • Quality:

      Splurging on an engagement ring calls for an out-and-out research. When we initially purchase the ring, we make sure it is ticking off all the boxes, especially quality wise. Then why compromise on the quality while upgrading? If swapping out the stone, make sure you’re getting an authentic certificate of a reputable laboratory- IGS for example. Do your homework and ensure that the quality is indeed doing justice to your upgrade.

    Parting Note

    So, there you go, you’re finally all set to go for the upgrade. We only want you to make the best out of it. Whether it is a special relationship milestone that you’re celebrating or just a matter of aesthetics, our advise would always be to never rush the decision. Analyze what you need, seek professional help if required, and feel free to re-read this blog as many times as you want.

    Whether you were wondering how do you upgrade the diamond/gemstone itself or it was the style of the ring that was bothering you, or even if you were simply seeking out ideas for the upgrade-we have covered it all. Thank you for staying right till the end. Happy upgrading!

Rosec Jewels